Friday, October 30, 2015

Crest Ton

Riding the far race of what is the space of black holes on explain,
a sink quarter on the fabric of time in the gut off the solar dime,
in that is the stretch of the gut speak in with a digestion of matter,
weak to a month on the call of the seer is just a bust on the talk of a clear,
on forward as that is dawn of life in this the compass to stride.

Language of an ancient wall to say that lives are rare plus,
in reality it is the work,
to the brain and the Mind on the shoulder the carriage,
at bridle to bit the Reins on the buckle relaxed at equipped,
enhances the ease to be of a shore on this the earth of grounding floors.

Dance on a circle for that is Humanity on that without a harness of length sit,
grid balance to sight with the eyes on the jump,
poles standard to cups,
what is the set of a bounce on Cross-Country for the Eventer,
is range that belief that simple is just the kick of the sleek,
or is it in basic that girth that does fit knowing that billets.

Well in the depth I purpose a cinch in conversation to the dust,
walking to no bloat is really the trick,
should the storm no the reason Than patience prevail on be stun,
but no that is really the experience of recognition over the Mimics of this Worlds rinse,
for how many can drive to the Trailer lift on the stay to brave the shift,
gear to a Talk tack stock in the lot just to be on the Paint of read block to tighten the clock??

Grace inhabits with a Teach the Clinic and the whip should give be of stand not of krill by exampled landing,
a whale is a story yet also In Addition the blue by describe is an Ocean of salt with a tick,
a pulse of Its own riding the beach with a comforting sound joined by the breadth of its lip,
or is it Sip??

Does the drink represent the Dock on the Pier between all the Ships,
is the waist wise to the water of comprehension,
or is the slip on a dress rather than knowledge of a Pilings foundation for adaptation to Tides special introduction,
there are these changing radical shifts that do not just turn on the bellies hour but store ability for the calm,
or does just the process of Crowd chorale only mark the flume on the storm or Torn,
fill in the buzz word to appeal the staff as Aprons are in usual the Feeds price to locale of the Tripe!!

Baskets for the bisque And a stew on the reef Rank to burr mew duh's try angle,
cats and puppy dog Tales,
wagging the culture to crumble the building but what shaft knows of foundation on term,
yawn back to the dates on the traveling road,
//that Hi Way of A task Ka dare Owe for the sight of a Mail,
put on the Plate an address & sharp hard no turn,
ask knot what chose is When Choice had a friend!!

Spark plugs on the facts to the call of the Ducks feather and ruffs,
quietly know,
it is the best of the broad way show,
'cause Its a Wind chime on the days of sing a Shore,
write like that bare Ole of memorized chess,
on those Boards of dried Erase the chaff with a good Scrub,
chase glycerin and Love.

Soap Box the Words with kind,
stand by and Watch for the lace,
it will come by Wave of a trace,
at the Second Read in silent,
shun or Support,
it will be That Score,
shall the Muscle not be Clam but the beauty of a ran, or, In the case of the library,
The hoarse.

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