Friday, December 25, 2015

What's An All-Purpose Pad??

Loving today and the Wonder of such a beautiful Can door to the entry of a Vision,
the bustling Fire on my outdoor patio is grace sing the calm of this brisk factor,
as the scene envelopes love with the breeze it truly is a compass on direction shin ole paste,
the click to value that comforting grown of over the barrel in the speaking to comb,
a good clean verse to embrace the letter,
numbers that chorus with song!!

Nature is best as the trust of this season,
Winter does in strange bring habits to sound,
the out of the ordinary email from,
to a prompt response that delivers in Form a shin the Bisque.

Stores on the vacation to travel the journal,
riding the saddle to base of the Nation,
towards Onward Forward its the how and the Why's,
that brings down the found to the Finding be lived!!

Sew to the Thread of silk long Under gears,
shifts to the Staff as the Ford of the Shears,
but discuss the big Bender that drink on Martinelli's,
its the bubble at the fizzy shifting love to the did,
for that which brings Voice to the much best in the lift,
work is the preparation to show of the lived.

Oh for the Great Movie that played on Television,
the premise so bound that Cars are a bridge,
the wind Shield wiping the rein on a give,
the enter Meet E! awe cent to that Stigmata that life is so Snug.

Hard Cider is Truth that will State,
mountain the Shasta with 7-Up on long roads often Hot Chocolate with fudge and the prosed,
scribes come to pen and the sill of that view,
remember those warm evenings that brought Mornings to skip,
stone Quarry's touch Granite at the Mint of Folk lore,
as the Clover does dandy so does the Shore!! 

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