Friday, January 8, 2016

For Eyes That Can Still Sea How Can A Community Both Stand, Fall And Know Of The Bee??

Sail the turbulence of this Nation's previous that is the Spline of the gator,
on that is the Crockery explain,
as the dish to that ghost on the Railroad is this the Horse of the graeae,
speak in the Wind I hear the sound of the threads on the fiber of the gunny sack speaking it Clear,
it is as the ground rose to the death of the backs that once did cheer,
to be on the shore of that bridge to the coffin of a dear.

This World is on the hem of the jewels in the badge of diagram,
talk to the gas station and be of the petrol on this tear,
thy banks have counted tin by tin to dash the eh with a barn to dig the sixteen dead spear.

Travel those roads to thee balance,
it is in the blink of an eye,
does Blackie on the pasture harbor the berth of a mere,
does this country tribe so dedicated that Mississippi must raise to the dump on the fig??,
for I all that I see is the bet on the gamble of Human fears.

Trades on the shipping to the lanes of Canada,
sport the birth with a certificate and staff this a extreme on the vase,
paint to the brush for expression decks to land on the measure,
no question to the African on that pier.

So to that is the basis of this long thorn,
round to that cable that the tracks I stared in the City,
from this to that to those beaches of blood spilled on the D Day of avenues,
War is toe bound to the Nut on the Tree,
hanging from those branches My Grandfather was one left to Stand in dignity and real hand,
to this country of torques that have harness to this mathematical this bridle and bit this a strap,
curbs and chains the bleed of the cattle to the Wool of sheep on the sweat,
wrap your tongues in a language of harsh for the turns are on the Fishermen,
nets to baskets shame the Catholic till the Pope barfs the shive of his perm,
take that understanding and comprehend this craft for the which is not not the flag of flounders.

Such grace in the patience of death by the hallows of ditches on Pane,
windows to the computation of the wash water on the subject,
prior on this is the Moon on its graph,
pour the Universe till the Comet is a Meteors path,
find this planet and put to license the begin with the impact of creation herself,
on the parade of the trillions of be leave,
envelope the dinosaur and the jack in the tar papers mirror.

As the Outer Solar on the Operation of a touch,
bring to this Core a stride of fact as that is the Wells in the Ross,
dedication to those drives that My Mother drove to know of the countrysides spacial divides,
in regards to the pain in and on the stride of Humanity the choice of red has been the lash that scar of the shale,
for as the earth rises to show the games on the boards of her trial its those fountains,
as the see water waist is on the dry goods to day,
freight to be of exclaim on this thermal National display,
does it really further the mind frost to ice on the fire,
heated buy the burns of the barrels of Oil to dish the bean as a Sword,
took by the tide in that Alcatraz on the View,
do not doubt this truth as the compass is the sunsets of the bier.

Heave this trip to your own personal journal of a minds that blank to the lear,
as the pound the coin or that dollar hide mule,
history is a port that Port is the call on your numbers of tiers to sheep the crap as a sumping pumped.

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