Monday, January 25, 2016


A tent Shin ewe Pea 'S' as the delivery is of Familiar to the Store of direct shin,
than the classical Caller t'was Misty for the day,
now on that is the pet Smart of the Horse or the dial lure??,
shall the book Case go Mow nap Pole lee or gamble the Price of tick It to snow??,
the clatter of bluster on the card grain is of what exactly??,
as the radio RINGS to a touch of . . . .

Chess in the City is the Block to Block Compass of Where is Doggie Diner the Zoo or the Wig??,
now on the poke of whats a piece does the the at tour drown or float to a tis??,
shall the UN tell be of Neigh shin and the Canon be Shown,
did the brace Let go so that the Photo graph can Spell??.

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