Friday, January 15, 2016

Solve AWE Means!!

Awe for The Harbors of such/must have been incredible wealth of desires cheer,
the loneliness that aches a steer,
remember that the Flight is sewn with out reservation to the fear as a diamond is but a sketch to smile,
the grounds of wonder to that beauty in the aye of journal felt through a shoulder friend,
be hugged with eternal and know that Infinity is only a breath to clear!!

The balance on those outer realms is the found on the finding that beginnings often near,
to each variance,
to every Spur,
its the trust that embrace is a Seer.

Thought that to a standing,
knew it to a sound,
bellowing to the lumber in the will of a grub,
for that is the floor which cadence`s foot,
that stride to be of strength in that musk,
for on the fountain of method its really the greatest of feather,
a brilliant quiet violent storm that creation knows Its alive,
be born to fact,
be that thorn in the writing of glory and love.

Deny the destruction and that struck`T will Violet the sugar of the Cain,
herb the berth with a simple languish and death will substitute smear,
find that strange and the envelope will deliver a near.

In the piece of the Knights their missing chunked so strike`d that Welds are not Solder,
it will be the Forge of Understanding that Deck Land which will provide a clarity,
dynamics with the comprehension of this worlds portion of script to ladle the poe leased,
stream as the Wind found,
rivers and Creeks are lovely but Men stand the fear,
in the Whirl of Wash it is the Dried flour that makes each day the able body Cheer,
remember the Bakery remember the Olds,
remember the Fact Ore remember the Mirror,
say to that question What Shall the Dance State should the Failing dye but a tear.

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