Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Fore Of Berth What's A Trace??

Dim speak to the Microphone of the lace,
a berk Kit has brought to state the Oil of the rice,
drains on the sheet to the Clothes now dice,
scrabble the firm to bored on the plume.

Reason cast to under face as the price of goods and grates,
the arm has trouser`d the pistol as the flower of the laid,
in long past of length to stolen on the took,
this is the exact stick of the ALM to the Poe beast!!

Treated by the World as a globe Snowed by green gees,
found to spread contagion as deep 'C's',
grades took the bast and brains ate the sync,
at this shim of the skeet People have grown to the least.

Now that the rent has been to paid by the Sands,
it is the Head on the coin in my personal thunder bank at the core,
a Thirteen count on the Ka tune of the Ton,
it is the ankle walk to distant my ample from this bow.

Reference in the pedestrian ignore as the blink,
be self drive to know that bridles rock the road,
crowds of pants have lost skirt to staff in bells,
that means the men have traveled the rent to further lied.

Tombs to the History graves on the Yard,
be of the Clock not the Calendar its torn,
release on be firm for ground is bubbled dirt,
men have soiled britches and not deepened gut to score!!

Heave with nothing as the intestinal will pop a grab,
be muscle with re-Verse to comprehend this tract,
for as the final heard has heard that out of Priest,
the sand speaks the ditch to the quick liquid fact shin racked.

Just to that now on the second time of spin,
it is 7:34 PM on the West Coast of this bean,
resistance is also electricity to form,
do not fall to bankers on the thermal under pour.

Paved by the scenewalks to collar of the pea,
pods have revealed within the side to what came across as logged,
as should the say a strongs tent would value measure bridge,
to tack closer to the depth of this country on The Blues.

Ghost of long death breast the History is the boon,
I hear the thump of boar,
horns are sheep the Ram is bleat and that makes Moose the Giant graeae,
be look to the direction its the glacier buy the jade.

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