Sunday, January 17, 2016

What Is The Bit Piece Of Ancient Letter To Spell Ib Out Tipped??

Suspension Super Per^(S)tish^Shin the Weave or the Braid dead of the Sheer??,
is the Signs on the Field of Religions at Large dark in kneeing depth to that good Ole fashioned stall??,
does the Straw ring a Bell dear recompense Of Law`d,
did the Picture cast a Query or speak the Time of Saw,
should the shave know of the raise or is the Tower of babble Words in amongst the jaw,
dip the Water waist a tad to Touch the keep of crawl.

Spiders down the spinal trap with a taste of whisper,
ear of corn is the maze a bit of creek on verse??,
inside the mind of the lane is connection shadowing a sand Dune on the tongue,
for inkling of the century is on Thirteen Eighty-One,
a Dee up a Gees to Us upon the memory,
is the schedule Just a bout to sucking of the Thumb??,
rules are rules and laws are sound to that year of Suit,
so as the beak did tease the chin does the dimple measure raid??

Oh gosh the darn and talk it Clear,
this banter is plights of chicken,
skit Tolls on the big old Knows to beg the fiction Script ba,
now lets go Ka and Ki to bee for on the dove of Crow bell,
than upon the Turkey gum does the rib balm friction??

Gees us beak the peck In steep is Whistling like Pan fried,
oysters on the missing boils to pocket full of rum,
single guard does not make much should the Is teak Ice burr`g,
ash burgers for Awe tsk Tick just says its like a Jack Russell Terrier with A Name of Noun on Comb.