Friday, February 12, 2016

Gently Say In^Dust^Tree Too Begin The Strength That Believed In Spoon^Kneeing. Smile For The Face!!

Hear is My Valentines gift for All Men of capable Desire,
you have a need dull in the Hay Stack and that is the Pt. of Know RETURN,
a Tuning Fork to the Mind of the brain and the Years on the Staff.

Now in the Thermal Chills of lax Performance the Pill that Doctors have thrown to the Bone,
retrieve the Mental Prowess to conversation of the Heat at that stiff Fee,
it is the Chimney of trim trim try Choose.

To that is the shifting to the Cast of greater Under Stand Ding,
a shaft to that is the preparation from the In Certificate to this Measure,
at the Lo Cal. of Universe sit Tee,
a egg drop soup with the Push to succeed in the Rise of your Organ at Staff Fin!!

To in gauge of the equipment a dime on the Thought,
verse with the Instrument as Trumpets sack Say phone,
the Call lure ID is that Parade??,
it is the in Body Meant to Show that Story ease is Just,
the Man you Fact chose Air Reed,
it is Important to bring Envelope to that Press Sure on the Quarter of the Dismal shade,
for the Whoa^Man is trembling your Integrity with Supply and of course DEMAND,
the Tiers to such Flours is in the Honesty to On Nor the But and anxious Dee nigh Ole??,
it is the Lube of greek Form Mould to Put License to that All Knowing Aye.

Should this be an in bare 'S' mint with Chalk owe Lets plateau,
stoop to the Heart in your Chest and ask Self if the Pulse is of Vain it Tea,
at that say State to the Core of your Guts to Event a Providence to Say Grit,
its the Manhood of Mankind that is Find Dean the Ken^Kneeing a process Not a sputnik!!

These are the Answers to know Cold War in the Bedknobs and Broomsticks of Modern daze Fit Tins,
thee brows may speak with Gallant Tree,
no more spook King,
it is the Mass^Stir that prevents a Honest Tee?,
no it's the club.

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