Friday, March 25, 2016

Brush^Is As Cans Of Paints To Under Stow Memories On The Glued?? Real Time Is Just That, Real Time!!

Should I have chosen to go to The Terms of a Twin Flame as rather Shored,
the avenue of centuries??,
oh what a joke.

The pleasure of lets see everything before the final eyes of Trades,
that lets go to the Times multiple the Charts map the Stars and Than meet for the Doors,
a galaxy would chuckle a black whole to the Fill.

Instant to that decision on the Realm of Reality to the Eternal Infinite of a Duty??,
oh how society grows,
the distance as Plato to the Philosophical Truth,
for shall the World ascribe to such a Tuxedo than What on Earth could One imagine on the Steams??,
wildly enjoying that lay in the Hey,
a Cosmic sphere a Call to the Staff of Necessarily definitely would and did Happen on the Probablilty shale??
oh I know it must be that completely Clean Show of wonder romance to the Meet Tea Ore!!

The value of story board,
no wonder to the denial of Past Lives with that thimble on a Manual Tack,
shift to the Whoa Man with this gut Punch on the fact,
as would I dare to say that Men are not My Measure of Absolute Lust,
or did I Men^Shin that while studying readily for all those A cents??.

To say that you have on each hand a wrinkle to balance the stream,
the pebble in the shoe to say hi Sand,
the clam in the Ocean ankles of pearl,
string it with the best on a life for the Roy^Ole!!

Therefore by the paved to exacts on only this existence,
remind the method of Symphony on how many believe that the Dali Lama is of Great Respect,
oh wait that doesn't work 'cause Americans love the Pope Too.

My good grief or is it Ness^See,
the monday Thursday sat Tour day to weak End on Humanity for compass E! gipped shin,
the people of mass stirred have venue to what is a Convenient Store operator,
the advance of the progression of Smut,
plain and simple.

For that it is the Scene to how the Crow knows that Dove is Soap and Eagles are flight,
the egg is a Albatross,
that Elephant is in the Room,
the Turkey sharps a Nose to the religion on its Lo's,
Good Friday three days in the ground,
be sure to Religion the East^Stir as News is Whats a Piece,
of pay^per.

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