Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sound Equipment Verses Cool Microphones & Key Boards To Picture The Cap^Shin As Most Tangible To Being Live On Air??

Mr. Glenn Beck should Know Mist^Stir Doppler Sun,
the story prose that entices such Education that My Big Brother Ed would cringe,
the goose bumps and chilling Feature of truth on a Radio laughter that has been lost to you're Type.

SIM plea a Knee^Ole^Son rate to the Symphony of Pat know Vac. as a Real Carpenter,
with license and Bids to Estimate the Museums quality of counter on the bends,
Compressed in part^to^call Board as *Alan Colmes has A Live Call^In Show for Owl len,
is the Coyote howling with a Wolves tone to frequency of Talk Radio??,
for johnny apple seed is the book keen of another plow to discuss 50 shades of commerce.

A buck for a Bum,
the guise of a Hoe bow to the Train spot^tour,
this lecture is not a speech,
it is the Enunciation and for those Not paying A tent shin to Hear the tones,
sun block is a necessity these days as commercials bravo most on the tums.

Bell owe the Ring to sell Phones believe that Tell A phones Have Numbers 2:10 to 8 poe lease,
Grant it with Lincoln and seat Kennedy touching sibling,
what is the pledge of a Liege**chintz to Know that that Mass^Tech^to^Mi is All sew a seed.

**Chintz (from the plural of chint) was originally glazed calico textiles, initially specifically those imported from India, printed with designs featuring flowers and other patterns in different colours, typically on a light plain background.

Chintz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Post Script; I emailed Glenn Beck yesterday, March 23rd, 2016.  I emailed 
the email address that was advertised on his site to contact him personally.  There was a
note that was in plain sight that said Glenn Beck receives hundreds of
emails a day, so the odds of a return on ones inquiry may go . . . .

In addition, I sent a message to Glenn Beck on his Live Show via the drop-down
icon that each radio station provides while the host is live on the air.  Just an FYI.