Saturday, March 19, 2016

X^Tinc.^Shin Or Tat^Too's That Sir^Jury From Look^Kin^Glass Ray^Dee^Owe At Microphone Oz^Scars To Does^Truck^Shun Be Trained. . . .

Cry^Iced By Sneeze^Xing?? Ka Chew: Bing!! No., Uh Paul lo!!

Tow Knee star^Ark at the Toe^Need a Bar from the Note Ab bowl of Mix joe Currs Shoal,
trim the Head off the angle of Staff,
the Sluff of the A^Bill^lick^Kin^Chord to Whip a whirls Smelt!!!

Fish lit Told Buoy of the Oh shin Brigade,
the Spur of the Whale and the Or Ka of Vlad,
dracula Nailed to the cross Sect shin sword,
e!^Ven. the Hall E! would bra Vaud dough this Vein.

Theme Old be X^Miss^Stir to Suit Up the Flame,
a burn^Knee for distraction on the Roo^be^Owe plain,
than on the Hill^A^Reed to Rod^Man a Clint ton,
IM^Tea chair to the Lecture gone Scare.

Over the Card game to Whist of the Meow^Ole,
spell^lean of act^tiers to communicate Stills,
the whip no lawn grr the Mic^Car^thee of Planned,
Whoppers at Popcorn squirrel^Old the Scene!!

Than to the Media on the Nationals Charge,
the In Word to conversation of the Pumps and the Thugs,
that Sigh^In^Tiff^Ick to fire the Suds,
as Nostradamus gave to the Twins the Fall^Lean be Thrilled!!

The barge Gin of Ices to say its Poe^Lease,
that Inn Word to See^Bee the String there Ede,
Cause^be to spread Ding the Lei App.^A^Tight,
what is a Tell A Vision should the Apple be Rye wit the graph on Redwood to Wine Fellows loaned??

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