Tuesday, April 19, 2016


What travels the World but a sent,
the pea owe box in pocket full of rice.

Y speak Win the Mon. Knee halve is on the bill??,
for score and seven chores??,
that must be the Shipping of we're Ship EAN,
dumb & deaf to brae^ole of whim^men today,
the 19th of the 4th month the year of twenty-six *Tean Zoo.

Don't worry though as Women in this ladder day spake now,
the Liberty Bell sits ringing??,
no its reliant on the pen & stow,
as at the dip stick or pt. rowe verses wade,
is that John Hancock to delivery both Name and todays Women route of rubber bend den duh,
at the prop per deed rate of Wais and Miens to tack the tax Ease with never sea??,
that spur^IM to an Gull the spice to blue grr dull's and weave,
spin dulled to thread fee bowls to Threads,
silk worms and tie dole`d with banana skinned plates!!!

People are sew bob bee pinned that communication winks the states,
should the hare let it Flow that in sure hints is a told,
as far as the Women to date you have killed our Country so lump,
cause credit cards don't tangle in that posture so the pick up the pen knee and WHAT???