Monday, April 25, 2016

Note eh brei^Ham^Link^kin Bow^lean?? Or, would S. Duh^Coat^duh Know Town Haul would Echo?? Rick^ka^La like San Francisco said Y!!!

Great project for the Mackenzie Trail Lodge LTD. as what is this road or is it a Wall,
that is not the question as the circa search would not not be a variable to earthquakes,
situation system operation paperclip,
my goodness my great nest how would the bay bridge stretch??

That puts the Industrialist to Those Incredible Men and Women,
construction or destruction which was the saddles lid??,
did the double-decker say to bus or tour as a hood decor,
what made the beginning end to begin again with should??

Why does the traffic effect or is it Affect shin,
did the mapping chart say that Sal Castaneda worked while whether went to stood,
wait believe it IF you want to but I see it plane as Day??,
than why is concrete cobble stone and tar is Jack Hotel??,
oh dear oh dear my found of Town is that the same in sigh,
should the steady on your sit tea for say or study land.

Bridges Tolls bridged Connect to busy Cars or Safe the coal??

Now should a Name say it All than who is Leslie Griffith??,
the pic. above says that same yet this guise is awfully written,
is lore in grain to why the Oak or is the Memory tickle,
for should my name be on the fates its weird to whats the bust.

Is the Embarcadero, weight I better sea define: noun, 
                                                                                       plural embarcaderos.
                                                                                                 1.  a pier, wharf, or landing place.
                                                                                                 2. (sometimes initial capital letter)                                                                                                a waterfront section in 
San Francisco: piers and seafood restaurants.

Now how must I confirm the reference an as tour rick or note??

What is a chink in Armor should the Are More say what!!!
think Y, think Hinge, think under armor??,
think Suit or Suite??

What is the Tale lore,
a men shin or the long johns silver to gold mining and Levis (place R with circle around it for Patent)

Shoes and Lace is what to that at the end of Tennis Shoes??,
you know the thing a jig to make so the ties is Trireme??,
how does that work now that velcro Pins??,
no that can't be so Amish as the collection of a plow??,
no way said draft to being friend as what is evolution,
horses, bridles, harness, buggy??,
bits, hames, reins and things??,
gee whiz the guise said Pen sill Vain Ya Dutch??,
that can't be but it sort of is should pictures be worth a Thousand words.

acer time stamp for sp on the more like a loop dee loop to fist stir??,
2:46 PM

bet^tour put a picture. . . .