Sunday, April 3, 2016

What Amazing Lessons I Have Learned From Trees & See Suns

How sad the world has become in the evident casual of delivering the horror of phone calls,
to even believe that Public Officials are marched off to Office Building to beg for money,
how shocking to the News of what has be shamed the News Proper on Prime Time Avenues,
our Country is shamed.

The crowds of shore to people in every scan of computation has just turned away leaving process,
this is not the comprehension rat,
I have wondered about those Handlers on the Political shales,
who are those persons of Charts to the Representive of Our United States,
have the Ops. Commissioned IQ as dip low mat ticks,
or is it just any barter on the logic of speech to language of the leashes that have Collared our torn??

To the Coke bros. on full grrs this not a parade of drug about the tractoring of Sup. ply,
this is the embarrassment of your Country as well,
their population must embarrass their ancestors as the shrink in gene,
to bring shock in the brain as no mind would calendar this ton of banging crowns to skulling barter.

Bones to Cross??,
marrow to rich,
civilizations to blame??,
is the certain bar of the lyre on a harp playing cat gut or get tar streams??

Mark the testimony to the embarrassment of coin,
heads and tales for the hint on such be lane,
much musk to Elephant for the Antelope more keel in that demonstration of Wind upon the field dean,
as the fish in fossil Ancestry of Heritage solves curdling,
caught day edge cheese in the cent of a Money Tree has replaced compassion as companions knee.

Bow deeply as that props the bends,
sync in that briar of thistle net tolls as the sting is no more nor less than your personal mirror,
the reflection of face scene is the dismal.

Drink sink to wholes for the shoulders of All on the Plan its have a treasury of responsibility,
confident I am in the depth of known to that knowing of whom has been jugging,
the dry heaves to that pour say len Busing wheels to shifts that twenty for hour to twenty too.

Add the math ask the wrist is the Screen of calculation been worth todays break,
is ice is the in thrown to determine the strip teased as the crust must be bitter sweet this evening,
to that everyday boar strum of nothing is everything and everything is nothing Notes Time itself,
as the watch on a Timid is the sleeve of done for that is mores code to ancient sands,
been there done that to say that good flies are as good as the water in a breast of comprehension,
speak in as the fountain had sight of settle,
I relax to be fine in this world of no eyes meeting eyes and shoulders that chill ice says to a glacier melt.