Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bust A Nut To Clear The Shell Yet To The Sky Its A.Meet.Tea.Ores Tide As Human Beings Have Found Their Lie Is Bigger Than The Contacts Fly??

On the miles of stream in that closed eyes affair of wide eyes shut while at what is called human sleep,
the eve.kneeing of the Mind on certification of thought in a connect.shin to the Days of Wake,
as the body must rest touching tire a venue of brain that is both working and shed of tools,
grant tipping to when a move is in with staff off the sleeve yet in a conscience crumb,
many faced with interpretation of explanation it is scenes of lids once a thump??,
those views during the state of being in look a person the basis from some.

IN last score of this seen flooding deads with mud reining creek corpses in sliding as rivers preen,
role.lean in massive stretch as what is such a lens marks these grasps of horror,
as like the Sun in the lights of clouds having to Witness this World and its constant killing fee.olds,
just walking on land atop this planet makes a foots print the press of bones sure to have Talled.

Words for Wars in bombs gun,
airplanes the drop those bay doors,
counting seconds the breeze Wind and shore,
wincing the impact that roars across with shattering soar.

In Tides the ancestral stride came from bridge of Europe to shipping lanes at stock to skate,
the Ocean gave the breadth to seperate a Set of caliber to disengage from Centuries of spills,
bloody fashions addressed to only skill skits of symphony notes to dead bringing death plagues,
the rats of Catholic trial of drowning torques,
those more lists of horrible torture to make their religion the slumber of safety to spake,
wheels never stopping squishing letter life,
sentencing born to pews fear lime chalk and the preying upon trips to do must.turd.

A vast journal of length to know these pieces puzzles of riddles paintings and beings,
now this Country Yelps Constitution War and strife with freedom of a bowl.lean stick to gossip up a string.

Not a couple of hundred years this mentions to the cause tick of why did the ships dive to earth an open shore,
people what now a bomb to do the same grains,
feed the choas speaking sheer and wool the weave to for the scary fear of slate,
yet in the understanding of allowing distance crate,
no person considers the Sun of watching each blanking sight of death of dreaming sliced,
civilizations pouring grounds till the body puss is blood of tores,
as dirt is mixed with flesh and bones drying out to be a cone,
persons now just get the palm killing game as no petrol,
its just the mood of biking shoe to say that dead is what??

In the 1800's People moving West would burn their homes to the ground just to retrieve the coveted Nail,
these Iron Pieces of Forged gave strong lumber an attach to warming the next destination in as storm,
or grant shade and protection for the elements of Nature on Any given Day.

This Country is built by Construction and by Designs,
again the Egyptian Commerce to remind??,
what is that Mathematical, call Um??,
in each process the Sun and the Moon,
where is the belief that the world is full to the reef,
that no room for either expansion or elevation of evolution is regarded a thermal shorn,
instead the belief in your belief whatever measure is your domination,
however each planet has a life and that is why growth is able to groom the landscapes hidden sights,
the very ability of Wind & Breeze,
Ice & Rein of cutting Slanting Moisture to carve the most Incredible scapes to be land,
in the case of Humanity it remains to be sand??,
or is it just the closed mine.did on drill.lean till reality sheds the compass of spoke to the teels of Ages in Times??

Is the Ice in Speak a procession??,
is the American really just a bunch of slips,
or a brand of thistle call.lean Ancient styles by Naming specific to eh Mutts litter??
or is it the spelling appropriations to knowing History on wisdom of carved rocks to speak silently,
simply being Frank by a Frank statement,

Than the Tree of Knowledge verse.sing the balance of ignorance to pews and skunked,
the proof of life is fee^mail or fee^may^old for the drink while fed for the thought??,
is the available comprehension on the fact that now the religions relic store reeds to sell phones riser,
is it the cover the new.did.tee to strike the front grapes on the Vineyard to Arch a start??,
is the guard.den a lair to communicate that Upside Down is reality of Control from Religions Wealth of the Con Job??,
or is it now pronounced Joeb for ground.did feather on the measure of less or grate tore than be Fore??


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ammit in hieroglyphs

devourer of the dead
This detail scene from the Papyrusof Hunefer (ca. 1375 B.C.) showsHunefer's heart being weighed on the scale of Maat against the feather of truth, by the jackal-headed Anubis. Theibis-headed Thothscribe of the gods, records the result. If his heart is lighter than the feather, Hunefer is allowed to pass into the afterlife. If not, he is eaten by the waiting AmmitVignettes such as these were a common illustration inEgyptian books of the dead.[1]
Ammit (/ˈæmt/; "devourer" or "soul-eater"; also spelled Ammut or Ahemait) was a female demon in ancient Egyptian religionwith a body that was part lionhippopotamus and crocodile—the three largest "man-eating" animals known to ancient Egyptians. A funerary deity, her titles included "Devourer of the Dead", "Eater of Hearts", and "Great of Death".
Ammit lived near the scales of justice in Duat, the Egyptian underworld. In the Hall of Two Truths, Anubis weighed the heart of a person against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth, which was depicted as an ostrich feather (the feather was often pictured in Ma'at's headdress). If the heart was judged to be not pure, Ammit would devour it, and the person undergoing judgement was not allowed to continue their voyage towards Osiris and immortality. Once Ammit swallowed the heart, the soul was believed to become restless forever; this was called "to die a second time". Ammit was also sometimes said to stand by alake of fire. In some traditions, the unworthy hearts were cast into the fiery lake to be destroyed. Some scholars believe Ammit and the lake represent the same concept of destruction.
Ammit was not worshipped; instead she embodied all that the Egyptians feared, threatening to bind them to eternal restlessness if they did not follow the principle of Ma'at.
Ammit has been linked[who?] with the goddess Tawaret, who has a similar physical appearance and, as a companion of Bes, also protected others from evil. Other authors[who?] have noted that Ammit's lion characteristics, and the lake of fire, may be pointers to a connection with the goddess Sekhmet. The relation to afterlife punishment and lake of fire location are also shared with the baboon deity Babi.

Influence on popular culture[edit]

Ammit was made male as an character in the Palladium RPG. A monster of the same name is also a card in Yu-Gi-Oh.

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