Sunday, May 22, 2016

Like Wheels While Nap.Ping 'Cause Every.Body Has To Do The Big Ba Ga Loo!!!!

I had the coolest dream the other sleep,
deep in the conversation brought such fantastic learn on the Plateau of the Playa Peep Pole,
as grain to Oath that dreams Mint,
I coined the tale ot the write on a slow.

In the burst or the Bust of I just before the big sky View,
I had been in another World on discussion of explaination of the word Cell to phone,
as that was the compass of learning to speak the quest chin,
the best of show as six dark throws to down below.

In the swim through the streaming pebbles rocks and quicks sand,
I spoke to the surrounding large and moving sound,
you are the most unfriendly dirt and smothering sleep pea sneakers of waving round,
just than I said I can't breathe and as quick to that snail I said what is breathing to the vocal bound,
at that moment I in this dreaming state_meant of what is a done,
I said is breathing important??,
at that next speak I said of wow look its a what hold on I .. . . .. ..

look its the Playa Plateau!!,
excitement filled my flight,
down in switch the language suit,
up towards what was in the behind,
I yelped a stunner to that twinkle in the Wind,
hello playa people how are you oh wait there look its ground!!

What one other ranch on the Range,
still speaking to that beacon in the gauge,
how do you land I forget is that important,
so I did the next portion saying hey land how do .. . . . . .. ... . .??

!!..just than that big ole lo from where I winced,
came to swoop my body tent,
waking from my magical dream,
I stood to sip and coffee theme!!

Out on the laughter I thought to Self wondering laundry like body fed,
in that brink of locked_up??
not I, I took to acer & my known chromebook update now on my laptop computer and. . .
 wrote the Lot to sleeve the truth as possibly in possible??

Low and behold an Ancient Tribe with the Answer on the fined,
drilling nothing noting stock,
the trough of what a dream in put!!!

The great fantastic of last evenings dream woke my write to writ in scene,
for to wake and width spelling,
I wrote out what is amaze to Zing.

Anamoon & Anatune,
thought to Disc. Kits and strided speak tried this spell to be a book,
Antun & Amoon,
at the drumming of the bit I did bet.tour??,
I found out that its a Niche!!
Atum & Amun!!

Is that cool that in a dream,
I flight the Wind to ground Land been,
loving life itself is Band,
looking on to for the lights of Stars on shifts that bring hugs to Scene,
is not Life Wonderful to Open Sing???

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