Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mist Tour Read Is As Plain Speaks: The Guise^Sirs!!!

Mankind has loss in the use of words to the sake,
people often forget to appreciate the crawls,
that place of receipt,
the arms width shoulders of legs and stout,
whom brought envelope to the able Mind did the vast of no vat.

To have been boiled by Humanity,
I bring fortunate a computers treasure,
the place of an earth that said today is the horse,
on a once in time the fountain and the Men,
whom said in silents that care is a fact!!

This day of recognition says that going without base,
My Mother had her Hair torn From her Scalp,
the literal on those stairs at 815 Balboa,
sits on my heave to brain the siblings rinsed.

Lessons on the dines of Aids and the City,
words brass the dance as the drums know the floor,
in youth the footsprint that My Mothers shackles came from her brothers,
but increased on her hem was siblings doubling stem.

Spines that cracked the Congregation that fare owed,
added bye in suck shin to the phone marrows bled,
ankle deep in what did creak,
that congregational bearing,
My Mother stood in example??,

Simply put to examination of Onward Forward to the Castro My Mothers' row,
whether it was the Tenderloin or Downtown to the Union Square of loved,
no matter the fashion of the Worlds rapists of political callous,
raise in the balance was the every single day of beaming to a slates from,
these are the compass is.

Issue nigh to the disgust of the Fudge and Restrooms by each State,
people say on this day that calendar is haul mark in to sell a brae shin,
then in immediate tomorrow Monday Clear??,
for all the 364 walking breaks the card to club and blubber!!

Candles in the Holders,
torches language did the chillers,
ice is the cube a calls with Sarah, Tamara and Hoot tours,
edge of clips to quarry Ricks with Rust tea making Shoppe's a fix,
for a cup of Special Leaves made this day ever read.

Yet people forget.

Tamara and for the Education fact tore,
that empty clothes with seams and binders,
paints and nails salons and hare tucked,
with these days just a drop dine to remind a memory steer,
right round the crock a dial Meakin on the Filed!!!

I land on this plan It is the singing Wares of Show??,
why bother Yield with the Halt as harnessed Bridled bits,
reining leather torn off skinned in real eyes on stare wells,
all while siblings stood to skill learn kneeing what the Mane of spilled??

In a decision 4 Years Old that was I on know,
never will I grow past age of Four years old to clever,
I Will Myself to Halt this lathe and at that I'll will state the Four,
now today on that of done this earth is solid Five`duh.

Sew in the Threads of Homosexual and Thanks goes directly,
taught see showed not rammed with day leeds bog,
slumber to that signature that Golden Gate Park Police complimented shingled??,
no for My Mother waltzed to scene the dance but left decide to Dane Niched,
from that to this the perfect set is to allow the worlds form in score of leads that know,
not snow the tent with bankers smelt to fish the lines of languished.

Grow Win!!!

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