Friday, May 13, 2016

Play_G's Of The E!_Gyp_Shins??

Win did the Station be Come,
at the standard of trans_miss_shin on working_IT_out,
that gear shaft to whats a bulb_bust on the avenue,
charts that have Moon_Shine to the back_too_base_sicks!!

Awe_tsk_Tick in that WoW what a sir_priced,
digs to the jump_pea`in?? or the Jobs calendar sell_phone??

Make_kin on DISH to that Suit_of_Men_knee Call_lures have bait_Id that branch of Knat_Chore_Role,
mon._day_morn._kneeing brass bands,
trump_pets that stroke to whom is in on the Band??

Traveling Shorts as the Neigh_Pole_Lee_In just Markets it too,
trotting to that can_tour as the Chess_Peace,
fill_in the Blank to Name the Noun as a Pt. off refer^Reed??

Bee and Birds have taken the Honey as the flight to Air_row Plain,
in that staff to gear on Mechanics and Cheers!!,
credits be stool to that Bar Nap_Kin at Hoot_Tours,
both dye_wreck_shins of what is loved??,
or is it complex??

Owl lens Comb,
hives that welt to per_pull Shades??,
shadows of tums to bum_bowl_lean??

These daze on Media of CBS, NBC, ABC extra Hot Hoo Evers??,
dock_tore Suess of the trampling glow_bowl mixtures of pedals,
floor a duh to the newest Hare_owe_In to prowess the verbal be Framed??,
in_creasing that hem to weebles??

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