Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Hermann Lipizzan Stallions are a Family Affair Thereby It is best to sign IT While the World has spoken by saying unknown when it said Awe^Man???

The Horse's Prayer

     To Thee, my Master, I offer my prayer. Feed me, water and
care for me, and when the day's work is done, provide me with
shelter, a clean dry bed and a stall wide enough for me to lie down
in comfort.

     Always be kind to me.  Talk to me.  Your voice often means as
much to me as the reins.  Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you
the more gladly and learn to love you.  Do not jerk the reins, and 
do not whip me when going uphill.  Never strike, beat or kick me
when I do .........


     Our Father, as we are gathered here, may we all be conscious of the free-
doms that have been endowed upon us.  How wonderful to come together withou
being guarded or confined in our activities.  We, as citizens of a free nation, have
freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press and freedom of our 
religious belief.
      May we be humble in the privileges that are ours, may we guide our youth
in the steps that will make us a proud nation.  We ask your blessing upon these
fine animals and riders that are here to give us happiness this day.  We ask that
all who are here with us will return to their homes safely and will join with us
in thanking our Supreme Maker for the blessings he has bestowed upon us.
    Guide us all in the path of righteousness.  This we ask in Christ's name . .

signed and written by Prof. O. Herrmann 

Professor Herrmann

    The Professor is both the producer and director of the Royal Lipizzan Production.  It is at his insistance that he show retains the old world format in its presentation.



 Your Master of Ceremonies is Otto Herrmann, Jr., the Professor's, first-born son.  He fulfills a multitude of responsibilities, including business management and coordination of this beautiful show.

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