Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blind And Dumb

Blind and Dumb, that is what everyone sees of me.

Am I?
Or, is it just what I was created to be?

My eyes are open.
Yet, I cannot see what they say is there.

My ears unclogged.
Yet, I cannot hear what they say is calling.

Am I blind?
Or, just born into darkness?
Looking for the light?

Am I deaf?
Or, just born into silence?
Looking for a note?

Am I these things?
Or, is it my senses guarding and protecting me from the World and what it has become?

No music.
No symphony.
No glorious voices singing to me.

No light.
No magic.
No curtain to lifted.
No uplifting melody.

What has happened?
What have you done to the Earth which had begun?

Blind and Deaf is what I have become.
Or, is it just my senses protecting me from the World and what it has done.

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