Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Passed Life

The Pull of a Scene,
in memory,
the sight of such,
not Panic,
just Stowed.

A Kindness,
in this Hand-of-Fate,
my destiny,
by No-Mistake!

To Hope,
I will not be Alone,
for Eternity,
in thus I'm shown.

A Credence,
a History,
in which I See,
a Battle that Orphaned me!

In Ancient Time,
where War-met-Plan.

I have Sight,
in memory,
a Rite?

Can this be the same Knight?
Left with Him,
to Survive this Plight?

All I See,
are Sails in an Oceans Lake.

A giant Pond,
where all is gone.

In confusion,
not despair,
led my life,
from Hear-Too-Stare.

I Ponder meaning of such a place,
of this I rate.

Such a Great-Full Sea of Missed,
that I mention,
am I this?

Think it Odd,
thought it Strange,
memories of just rearranged.

Silence burns,
this seared appeal,
my life so far,
does seem Surreal.

In such a Heritage,
I do not worry,
for this plan,
does not seem hurried.

A Man

is the One,
of Two-sent-Through,
to saturate all of Who?

He is the Strength,
healed my path,
Four Millennia,
He's been a Fact.

Not just in Been,
I See Too,
He's Free-to-Well,
All that Blew!

Is this Story in History,

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