Friday, August 9, 2013

Scripting Score

To write upon Cupids song,
to keep, belong,
it spills out on,
the ink is throng.

Much like singing,
the symphony is long,
an introduction to production,
the Trumpets join,
announcing same!!

As the Violin does play,
the Cello, Bass and Saxophone say,
the score is valued as it plays,
the Bow of each,
quickens feat,
as the Arrow aimed has been reached!!


The Treble strung so tight,
strings of might,
the Tambourine clashes,
Magic is Might!!

In comes the Xylophone,
soprano ing to paddle back tone,
the Flute joins,
the Clarinet's theme,
all the harps begin to dream.

The Pianist sat,
a rivaled track,
with chords exact.

The Piece to Puzzle,
the Orchestra watch,
the Tempo is brewing,
much like a pot.

The Organ Pipe is loud,
as all the stops pull out,
increased the influence,
of only sought.

The Keyboard switch has a hitch,
the foot begins and like a Niche,
the joint appeal does reveal,
the place is real,
a Man of Steel.


The magnetic appeal,
ancient calling,
the 'Old' days are showing,
my twin souls home.

The Compositions of natural born,
the sounds of whom I'll never mourn,
the dawn of the rising Moon,
is in a full and beautiful bloom.

And as the Sun gives rise to you,
the sheets of music that you drew,
becomes the picture,
the sound a view,
the lyrics are the notes of true.

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