Friday, May 16, 2014

Dirty Plots

Browned the planted growth in charred,
no simple letting to froth the death,
the salty pots spoked the bread,
a baker roasted kept to thought,
that basic was as basic had.

Groaning Earth belched to birth,
the Ice Aged melted glugging ler,
filthied by the chemical lie,
to drill upon the inner lawn,
the dunks to upping sky.

Principally driven to ballistically hidden,
the foundered grounds burbled louds,
striking oil in gaseous pounds,
the smell no propane found.

Released with conscious knowing sault,
construction maid to self,
no further needed attendant bleeded.

Caught not between the hot did steam,
the heirs no longer needed theme,
the deadly downs were only scene,
as disposable liabilities being,
the monies green.

Paint showed the peel of goad,
the fruit that never gamed,
pieces of deframed did thought,
to ask would make it pot.

The Milk went Sore,
the butter churned,
to hours as a litten grave,
curdled in an open save,
the bottom maid it so.

Digging to the shrunken spewed,
a bloody vomit from only do,
no air in ossified brittle holed,
the clamp brought the grip of sold.

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