Friday, May 16, 2014

When Two Are One And Three Gets Done The Habit Can't Be Spite

Spence the liable to the View,
the burial of life itself to due,
countered measures at bellied fulled,
with All to Team the Deeming Troll.

Hate to straight words are stole,
a skulled imponed the rate of loans,
collecting lives in chairing pries,
a back tracking in real dies.

The quoth shoots rambled tangles lines,
not to imply but set the briar hide,
to skin the bermed in Lie,
a factual interest that is shied.

The Spook of Echoes heard the Spree,
preparation delivered deed,
to supplanted malady,
the basis to the T.V. feed.

Crafted webbing Spiders sprawled,
the denial is the stall,
bedded down a Country saw,
the hay was mounting fields pounce,
upon the wobbling fear.

Tightened wore the retirement soared,
two did step the spear,
in creative balanced Pier,
the Church found a Lamping lear.

The Learned Priest is held to Stone,
the mention of the walled in dome,
to keep the fed off the track,
that doubles up in exact.

Churning difference to Gamely sherds,
the gamble writ was named in fact,
these worldly deeds that once were needs,
put down the battered for the knack.

Spoken jeer was lost in lack,
the herd to brothel a brother burbled,
does not a thing to stop the sheering,
the cuts will never shack.

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