Sunday, August 24, 2014


Should Electricity pop the junction of Plug in the thrown of A Switch the eclectics do hitch,
audible language that barks like a Dog to hand throwing signs flipping the log,
the stomp of the reach in night at a shock will trip upon chairs the Table atop,
crashing the banging to identify dark in the bright sun it's difficult to start,
the game of Telephone in a readable part two ask the Screen issues a formulate cart,
talking the piece a Natural in stare works to the mouth now Announcements in Nair.

The razor Type speed that eyeballs direct a glancing to particular levels of kept,
dialect asking the deliver envelopes speaking the answer on locale a term dancer,
docking the swipe invitational plight a Que by Computer is the lap of now life.

A Satellite speech via remote in the bleach soaping a shore with an Opus of more,
taking the job of what Sundials core a Shadow of angle points kelping form store,
moss to the wet a dag rare of crop Equestrian jump built to fly over shop,
rails are poles cut force a clean painted with stripes the Solid approach is a lane did,
the timing of Three stride out in the see grows with the speak core balance is key.

Increase the impulsion or half in the halt squeeze on the sponge try ringing a leak,
shot down not ever for Reins are our meet connection to length a stirrup shorts link,
long for the Flat Work helps leg to inspire buckle Two holes up the Stadium is Fair,
now in the hole punch leathers are true 'cause when you go 'Cross-Country' it's four on the full,
all for the Seat seat for the All the true question is when like has a trend it Stalls to a send.

Bang the Electric out like a light What is the Time the rakes said to lines,
in the sweep of the hay for stray of the lay know bedding was shavings a Wood stop to stay,
I'll go to grain Room the Oats of the Corn as The World looks to hand-held for digits a phone,
Wow in the stable the munching was sweet Watch for the nicker it's a Tell tail sweep,
time for A.M. at the Call of the heard hi Noon is grazing the gather of Verb look it's a local Vibration.

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