Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Park Migration Weight The Phone


If you speak with Tomorrow at yesterdays news the Address is the carrot of a stick Time at chest,
sting the extension to Ages of Mention the Walls of a tumbler key striking a Thunder,
ink lightening the finger a thumbnail lead thus in the purse draw the Palm is a creed,
to note from the deep an Orca ask beach scratching the stones riding atone,
taught sliding to purchase that fluke bigs it knack feeding on Meat that shingles the stack,
a Whale of swum to vast in a lung spouts depth to the distance that Oxygen wrung.

Yet on these Top trails in Ocean thru Sky a birth to direction part Elephant in lie,
ivory the grow to Antlers that joe length tail Land show reef in a tram,
alive in the bustle the language is clan be side each a witness to futures in brand,
the safe Crow a vault to informational bolt with birds in a Flock the flamingo is Talk,
inch the Miles to development of pile ask Smoke on the burn does the Mind dash born,
equal to journey a Wolf on the lone trekking the Country by Ancient grown bone.

Explain, explain the voices of tame not in consider are the simple in litter,
spinal tap fear of naturally clear bread is the toast the dunks cookie to boast,
flour or butter the Ingredients bake put to the oven the gas can do sake,
atop the grill on the heat of a cake electricity flows on Colanders grate,
the Element hots as the fire of tray does than the condition change in per gave,
belief in a dip the Valley of rip burials covering a mystery in ship.

Mess Haul shown Corn the patsy brings smell repeaters that point to the aspect of well,
rots to discover in worth of the bell the bridge that goes land does fertilize still,
therefore identity from Nose to the brow is tune to the Eyes of the now hand of shroud,
in Record on the Phonograph the scratch did just bump vision the Compact disc. it ......
a needle to arm verses laser beam read now playing this backwards is trouble to feed,
mechanical gears auto rotation the Standard Transmission is barefooting the station. 

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