Saturday, August 23, 2014


Carriage be life in the flow of the brawn as dawn is sew Able the Coast is a song,
on the Label the print is streaming with notes as the words to a savor to sing a bright toast,
cheer to the sync of the Letter to most a lyrical value that scores to a post.

The Seasons will bring change to a clay forward the Mold in a real display,
as Reef to the chorus an instrument Theme bough to the breeze scope Wind in aloud,
calendar Years in the Element found tagging the flicker of Flame in a sound.

Journey my verse troop Celebration to burst a Solar in fervent linguistic the turn,
swords that have Shield be held for know Armor guide to the strike with all in the fight,
bow & arrow fly straight to the aim of a Lake in the speak on the Water it provides a kind play.

As the ripples stood Time in a ring of the Shrine may Fire produce an oil of Spruce,
true Fig cover bed the Posters of move done for the difference that settlements sprung,
rooted at Origin the Gold of the pour meld with a Route the drink evermore.

Battles of worth lives in reverse gift to the Makin' a guidance in learn,
dear star that explosion so far from his girth the Moons that did show me a sample of Nurse,
in Creed from the corn that distant of born my Dragon oh dragon be Mind in the Sign. 

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