Saturday, August 16, 2014

Balls Of The Feet Stretch

Take a Photo know the snap in a shot of the freeze second back in to the print of the negative on roll,
the collect of normal 24 to 36 in an old timey Real film Canon would be filled with excitement on the drop,
for upon the sent the thought was to the Wonder of the state of leading to be Scene in large,
however the 3 Day turn about for exposure gave Pause to listen the Watch in the clears.

Treasured are the Times of Ages in these Maps as the Album in kept are the date a logged,
in today as Yesterday or the year in an After the belong is mirror to the aspect of the do in,
place to trade of traits that grew through challenge of whether the Kodak would measure,
a pleasure in the stand of a 4x5 land from see to shining hold the length to unfold.

A big warm hug on a race in the paced addressing the funny sakes to a facial of stance,
formalized ranks the stage of a dance grounds to a picture in Apple of the lance.

Spearing the slice often will dip for peanut and butter is the pieces of tip,
the candy of eyes holds especially noise journey Acoustics with the quiet of coy,
crafting the development of many in lined even dipped trails to suffer the still,
ink verses Printer stompers to speak carve the performance as the Curtain does draw.

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