Monday, August 18, 2014

Bolster Pulled

Spoke Wheels in Cycling Dates the Calendar year to the I Month Day in & Of dished play,
counter Up the bridged a Tuck from Sea to spoon felled Landing`d luck,
in the Hit of publish saved the Quotes of Written in moating paved ask Punt handed stop,
sticky is the Memo in the rider of the soap the glycerin in Castile rubbed Olive Oiled rope,
the leather strap that stretched not Snap for hobblers know that hammers exact.

Put the nail in the Stitch of Nine ten Awl a threading Needle with strings of donkey,
use to abuse the Mule in a Roost dark Canker in breaking the Horse is anew Lancer!!

Chaw Stirred appeal in the Document of Kneel the sword nor stuck well it drove right thru Hell,
balance in given is the Aspect of living makin' that Connect to a brisk dig the Deal in Cardwalks!!

Solitaire confirm Mint the traveler Mined firstly the I sole to putting the clue,
laced by the Boots that All Black in brown the rubber goes Whence a ticket torn sound!!

Tennis elle beau the liter in dough seed in the Sour of a City born Tower babbling Brooked,
creeks under Streets that rush in the earth down Under the basement a concrete in heard,
proven to scene as the measure of burden remains of the burned in an ironed dirt.

In the Pattern of paper Pinned the fabric will shape as the cutting by Scissors works to the take,
an Edge Singer humming as the foot pedal keeps electricity moving in the Feat it's a Pleat!! 

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