Monday, August 18, 2014

Key Interruptions On Smart Stone

Generous is attention of the Popular Option to swift a sit listen erect to the smite enduring at Sound,
the application of belong in the Membership strong is best when least revels squid as an Octagon,
tubs of lather that brow in chatter from See to flipping hit Tech seed symbol lives ear`n hit flick veer.

The want bed poster in the 'tween cliques' as paper used in spline`d the Organ of a Worm`ered,
three whist the passel felt corks to the lop the coat lift in a fall bellow stream,
rug age`d roads to speak the shawn`d in 'agers lost to youth not shored.

Cut off at the pass in or is it @ a scoot crawling nature now a brake,
the Mind birthed brain to snap the Frame in clenching nerve the tip,
could exact Hell in Snap ask the cell in breathing class.

A Name for this points to facet no jerk in process the knees don't spend a shin,
legs on auto the circle Pins a bright store true spin,
dimmer switch to full blow breakers an Electrician of the result.

Do not touch from grounding much in the Fence it's pastured fudge,
Response `Ibles

In Timeless 'The Continue' is a Trained,
a piano Organist tuning speech through Tone identification channeling a Tuning,
the Home of a Booth my Mother would Root in a quick,
language has a foot in spokened like a tattoo is the phone the remain dial lacks.

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