Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The sum of Tell on subject tolled the bridge to cross is built of Show that Ships our Tugs that Pole,
dependent on Introduction song the House that traits a Rig to gear the lift is Knowing,
laws that change the shift of Movements cargo that are lives in Score brings Consumers to a door,
the Grocer stocks to need s that Purchase the brand of Popular will often trade to Years of line,
in drives to storm the lanes of thorn a register does Tally for hauling trucks that refrigerates to Keep,
the butcher in the mid-air Shop does where gloves and Coats to stop the chilly freeze.

As learning is to Primal clear the parking lot to Coffee shop does provide a life length Pot,
in stewing of the Potato bake the flour in the crumbles sake butter up the cookie plate it's plop,
dollar the Round a globe in trot tours that bring will pick-N-spot a bagging paper Net Tops,
the brand name placed like Mayonnaise taste spread bread the Mustard loves in great,
adding spice to Meat that cheese the Sourdough of seeded Know the cart is often based,
harness stitch to Masters hitch it still is leather on the grow for Berkeley Farms says it so.

Ground to lawn the sand of Prawn shrimps look like Crabs of breed that open Case scene of the feed,
cocktail Sauce the brains in toss believe the Wharf at flocking source look oh look the see gulps,
drinking breathe the bay is feed now flip it to the Island key backwards forward now the Keep,
from Mécanique search Perch 'cause now the Poach is on the Earth potting Clay,
maintenance the Real Work will work the Snare to Caste for in the line it shows a Whole to Spinners,
important are these Treasured grows for in the Salt the path is Row the eggs of future streams.

Rain Tops

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