Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Starting At Scratch

Tankers that Move 'freight' the Tugboat trues Bay as I have gone riding with such a display,
off to the channel up the Tide in a day charting the Grange on the field of play,
tusk to the Water limbs to the bough treat with a Savor the grass than Wind sways,
in all of the handles a learn teach in Ray,
from the base of the Watch to the Crest in the Lot.

Parks love the Concerts that radio of Live truth in the Appearance makes living a Tribe,
human confidence to picnic the Blanket laid down on the ground it's the fellowship sound,
the accordion shuffle to Calypso in heard the Horns of the Tall Tale turns,
pink sands Hotel the balmy in trail,
a Fable that grows with each a live back.

Pan door a footwalk with letters that Talk riding the list of read writers block,
designed by the fabric that Internet crops Ants to the log for the lumber is sod.

Roll to the waiver as the Grip of the mast is on the way up to the Crows Nest so fast,
once in the basket the view is a fast from shore to the Voice that can echo it's Craft,
the fog is a Natural thick to the shore,
roles are born learning to Crew all the more!!

Strident the gum on a Chapstick of lift for Skiers are often Jumpers that grip,
the shape of the grade is a curve to the bend Plough to the Solar a rooftop is fin,
mark with the dye raid the slopes of a skill,
still the Ode Tune sings of Various Looms:


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