Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dock Tables

Beacon in the Mirror of a Lighthouse on the Sea in the ocean of reflection burns a steer,
the shipping lanes that News to a skate have not considered the reins at Bayed to pair,
as the Tug is a boat to guide in the barge fold of the Freight being The Landscape to Trade,
the vigor of a row in the stacked of so Full must reveal the Weight not in measured for Engine blows!!

Fog Horns appeal to know the strain in plain sight covered by lights dealing the diked,
a Cliff or a gorge it's the degree of the depth that turns the stride of revealing a Set,
performance of a Two~Manned crew in experience of done the language does Ton,
not the explain but the strobe of Exclaim belly in the Volume of the Work display!!

As I laughed at the funny it simply became adjusting to the use of Profane,
loving the direction appreciating the Clear the passion was felt right next to the Near,
trucking the water in a value of calm the stories that balanced developed a Song,
descriptors to Tales that brought out the Radio made best in conversing a Commerce in day.

Spank the knuckles with Rule to the drawn the compromise will streak to empty the Fleet,
just making appropriate left to right Scene avoiding the eyes like the Channels of stream,
safe to the Rock for Alcatraz blocks introduction to A Many that served in it's Locks,
the Warm to the Pea in a coat of brand Paint hands that did brush to the shallows of dank.

Echo a quiet the City stills listen conversations that gave to a Table laid lipping,
stiff in the Class of a ride to the fact it's the product of Teach that discovers the sack,
stood in the gear of the Typing of change decisions create at the pace in a clank,
clip to the prattle of a trickling hose the Noise is know different than the Faucet of host.

A bit of grass that it greens to the dried up in closed a pasture with Natural stores it in closed,
sprinklers even on Vessels at Sea surrounded by depth that flotation is lead to know the drag response,
the importance of gallons per Verse is the words in the birth to the able job Completions mapped gut.

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