Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hat Poles

Denominators that add to least at base of the belt,
form in the height of Cliff at house sight I lived and therefore witnessed spite,
I speak to treats that left a trace of the flavor in the cup.

Pastry coffee I did that day in a line that took a dime the bee sting stung away,
there in front from next to speak I recognized the feet oh how excitement ran.

Blocks address to curtain kept the California Street,
a sign I was on the corner find a Cafe in bumped the leap.

The meet was eye to eye than the words of store came to be,
the ones that see it's worth the facial of a stupper in i.d.,
often losing in life to choosing the fact stood depth to Feat.

Of course the age of I in sound was not in drinking any down not my cup of tea the kettle was not me,
brought by happen stanced the loud so close the eyeballs bleed,
not all are kind in deed the school of learn deads beat the spoon.

Walks were common march the flat while biting screaming in my ear,
the pull~over in Mans foot gear,
stepping stomping on my head the stink sew skunked the temper lead to good enough it's ruined touched,
the hand held read to ride the side journey landed Playland died.

First balloons bubbles stoop, 
second reality hits the loop, 
third the deal is your stoop for ducking simples up,
again the breaker for the stump was the deal of a pump,
no one speaks to people move than the score is you.

Subtract all sense scratch the Fence lumber built as trash expense,
the Alley narrow remains a stare owed,
for Now the double track in smack are the workers doing bent,
in alive it's different than exacting as same in spent.

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