Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Off The Air

Calendar verse in the Count Year of day mountain frame holds the flip on a Month trays Set repeat Number,
the hunger craves a Season Trades from Holiday to equal certain paved that Continue marks the sheer,
transparent wise whilst Ages lane across the Valley a bridged to trough Creation bays to sleep stalled,
the Albatrossed to the Grizzly cost a den with resting not the Same yet disappearance clears to saved,
express rate as purse of draw the Cave that snores is living price in Total the cost of leaves.

Natural acts are processing the table of the Set in Freeze now sheets crashing melt to rising seas born,
loss of spread the glacier lead a product to the Land in doom an Ice Age than Volcanic grown spoken,
the noise in each an action zone for reasons that Mankind is comb but never Actuals the streaker shown,
running cross in bare bones bossed the flip side of the alter trait to bit the roller in a stone either gowns robe,
park that deck to Nationals the Steeplechase that Horses make a rider thrown in ditch the groan.

Ride the temper to the rhythm in the gallop there is a canter that collection stretches reach for jumped bush,
the landing stirrup balances nerve the girth is secure and the Tempo has no fear the conclusion steers,
onward forward hand in walked the gate to bell in timing lots a ready snail to paper sail breathing Aspen air,
cooling trend from snow that's been thumbing swish to apply the lend no conversation grown it's known,
strange to speak the midst of leaked yet verbal sounds are turning downs that sort of thing that hugs tugged.

Decade birth to Circle burst a feeling passed in setting trace back borrow so the let will sorrow no more,
to tale through the story stew in clues performance right down to truth of troubles with the Lines of root,
a send in breast is face to met the touch in human forms a kept engaging Thought to idea hand holding fee,
shed the brake for hurry state the burning barrel on Stations type yet missing in the Homer,
pick a speech does not complete but offers up the same in seat to breeze the same old sign bowled Tenure. 

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