Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It's The Squeeze

'84 in the Think '83 in Decision '82 of the Time in '76 of the living on Oversea Broads to an Irelands frame,
net to the '60's a mid to the birth Hells Angels in Cycles that took the Roads tork,
on the side paid for gas the Symblem in league an Art gallery stage to the Venue of Shed,
motor the age to a Mind in a Sage the Seer of Welling a pail from page in Waters that day,
two way to Coastal the Chips of a Name rode side by side on the mountain of came,
pointedly certain of only Scene things but as the chalk say it's the Nails that ream!!

Scrath the highway burn the leather stay another invention of Festivals cleared,
a Mohawk for Sign at the Stations of whine the turns at the Stops in the back of a Kind,
looking to scenery logging the truck big huge enormous Stakes held the Tuk,
drivers that gear shifted to immediate react able to drive on the Freeways exact,
speed a connect in the Time Tables Chart rigs also keep the den of a shacked,
coffee for Truckers the diner in track pouring the liquid that negates all the Fact!!

Which in the brew are the Beans of the few is in the grinding of Apron a stew,
the Cook with a red light that House of Prime Rib Waiters to educate more than a bib,
ties or Salt Pepper the bread sticks in give information by eye place the Bar of a kid,
booths are the Tables for escape is the lend to a bathroom so small that Crabs had a bowl,
crossing the X at the Intersect of Wax charged for the file by a Guy in black,
the joke of the bushman to the SOS feed Fisher that Men do a Tour of deed.

No tugs on that Dock for the Submarine walk ramped to the Ship that Jet stars a rock,
under the bridge to circle a nib the bbq cooking to the Ranks in the jig,
tattoo graft the sling shot to blue containers that shit,
the Hold addressed ropes to nestle in rest,
watch on the barrel the bait Kinging hooked the damp was the Sunny of a Restroom in book,
strange not really for these all add to look right into the Center of the additional took.

Landscapes to Trim Fount a Tree Plaza push mark in the Movie of Contagion the shook,
museums that people now call the Rook endgame that presents a barter for Fence,
gamble the Note rate to monies of broke the Oster of Clippers adjusts to the choke,
an auto mechanical machine with grate Teeth the plug of electrics is the Extension to put,
Snooker a game as Pool has the Stick sneak in a Pete the perfective is trick,
The House in a favor or is the boot a Video in streaming recording the Loot.

Red Rain 

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