Saturday, August 2, 2014

Leaders To Sleeked

To Whom The World a Doors the threshold to bell in the floor from Addressing the Scored in Vore,
start the beginning while lives are still living be signed the Invite as a tremendously waved a Scout,
crawl tap Spine shore shoulders to prime in Math burrow width of Arne today.

Sing to the Form of shake stirred that prop in the sound of a caught the shrink of a shrug to know love,
in hugging the Cell call thee dialing fell shored pier Beach read in the be screech of rubber in Cycling,
ground the feet with irons that leap ride thy mountain to the limped in the speak pot flowers see leaves,
train to elocution stay in side stray the Isle of Knickered by a nigh to brain the Thesis in ever thou dine,
prelude tinsel wiser string in thine Cloak breathe in with Fire expel shied to stroke.

Shade the be streak to every a leak be trail the seep ink belly try seat set a tab from State of be shriek,
cross doth Thou vow in perfective to shout platter grow spread in the synapse of stead brushing bed,
no canter to gallop the track filled in pin spake tusk could measure the Elephant Vote.

Coffee to brew in on a center drawing Room alter the present the gift of a stew steeping the view,
chapel the garden as reason core sides remember the Vista of visitors leans standing upright not tip to tow,
free read remainder the collect in the stow be the laughter I feel from below.

Study in hauls ask the Question dream lots cause the bi-way to stream in a spots analyze a sitter stop,
pew the Witness number the see branch to their system in eternity bee,
the Hive of exports built to be Tree Change is afoot the Carriage asked Me!! 

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