Saturday, August 2, 2014

Teak Tale Lapped

Sum the Kind Trouble by fish in the Ski,
break knots of languish apathy is bleed,
kill all the streamers to Star in the Sea,
shipping the Lane to the Oxygen bean.

Trap in the Coals a fire in fleet,
bring to the Solar the Hots from a leap,
Ark that become to trust in a Thumb,
carriage of Stature be granite of stun!!

Shrimp ear the tunnel to Wax in the strain,
temple the heard to cotton the nerd,
spring forward Advance to Tens in the dance,
11th in Time is a Nine den Romanced.

Chalk to the Cosmic frame of Record,
built Planets that have been destroyed for the Score,
in less ages long be tower in strong,
the Land of the Sayer is a Cry for the Song!!

Orca here whale the tremble of Cleft,
orchestrate Symbol a Triangular found,
three Pointed star be the Penned in the Sharp,
galaxy throw the Clears to the Harp.

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