Friday, August 15, 2014

Out Of Date!!

The world has clammed a pearl & chucked a Muscle the bearings of the Sea Speech brides a movies,
the running film of shoots versed ladders climb upon Once a story always a line,
in the Breaking ocean Waves the sand of which is not inlayed for that is Shored with reached a stay,
the berk a steal from near the drum has not asked the question lung,
The Expletive!!

Score the vow off to oh endowed a Tenure of the stage in Laugh from basic all the paved it tack,
brought by Belt in hinged of fact the door to potters in a Craft the revolt is barking scratch a peel,
inch no bile the herd for while creation laid the dust in Viled.

Carry cutter the cookie spread lumps oop scoop to best in crash,
took formal in the bask shined a flush even that,
point in drive is Countries Side,
poke a knead to Tin tiled steak.

Mincemeat also has a burg in the Ham it is a stir,
eggs gone Green are fryers stream now the bark of real beam ing,
shredders paper in a Cave can't 'cause the beast is brae,
stoics often take the brain than do offer a simple vein.

Mules that came with big Ears same stallion never for Horses gain,
stirred to Taught Satan named look an watch the hobbles strain,
a snubbing post to halter close that lead of lean a pocket boast,
no not really it's a safety rein held in closed for the tame.

Half that Moon to Bay put boon the barn a Stable of a groom,
hounds that hunted blood on Camp delivered by a gun fire rant,
lettered Law by stiff in scan dialog waits as life is canned,
boats to creek cannot float for the rocks are beds of scope.

Depth in growth a Mossy Pope change is Fame for bringing lames,
a certain board that keeps the snore additional charge is in the floor,
gravitate to spacial store the living are the Types that core,
an Apple of the org Cree date knowledge is the peek`n`state.

Shall the burrow look`n fates mused a Corpus Christi Quake,
shakes peers grace in Platonic face thesis beakons this a paced,
walk a stun shutter Canon negatives come after take,
the drop is just a end-Cap paid for better position in a Working Stores.

Do Jockey 

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