Friday, August 15, 2014

Circuit Thesis String Theory

In 'The Mist' of foggy tricked the Treat of real in life,
surreal the identity is the path a Road to zone Nash:
The Able in such a tale say in the Fable of the flame,
a Fire is the friend of loan in said the Zone 'Called' phoned.

Wire boned to trusty cell the marrow shalls' to Cycles,
now that birth did grant this deed of Tau in Appled loan!!

The from of whence the brick is laid in Red the shoots of grain,
did day a groat to feet the plu to route thy night with root did soke.

Mansion flight of reconciled by distant Rail of Time,
in knocked driving nothing to my name No Body the West in direction as the Norse of Rab.

Made with Elemental not known clay,
the mortar of the lasting loud a move about that is a Vow,
pacts aye written in very Floss the begin of Future Church,
no knee needed for standing text in key`fer.

Based agree that World Tree is the girth of gaveled Creed.

Compute the lab to Minds that salve,
the idea of Think,
it's leal ground does space a diamond Ness.

Speak the audible strike a language through the gallop the darning signed,
put place thing identified,
before after in-between the spoken sentence in riddle seamed.

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