Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bus Stops

Print picture mirror of law the Reflection on the crawl,
tank photo crop of reverse than 'The Wall' is speaking saw.

At the cut and out of seen,
letters throw the bottle lean,
cork a brawl find shake the V,
a collar on a leash for Tree!!

Ink on label from a seed,
cents to dollar hide the cow,
tied in knot quick release,
makes the horse work draft on Me.

Onward forward future Scene,
taught by Mother to stand not steam,
in such done the Kettle calls,
like a whistle on the tall,
but in left real the toast does pop,
with some butter jam if like,
peanut spread from stick the fed,
tea for Break-fast,
coffee sprawl.

Cream add sugar spoon in mix,
leaves on one grinds in best,
sieve to stream filter test,
the machine on Auto text!!

Eggs on scramble crack a shall,
boiled on Sun to cleft,
poached by water nest to speak,
pots that lid electrics Crest.

Rooms to platter Mirror or guest,
marriage of the Step on jest,
trunks to hold the dowels of Kept,
lather grease to bacon pet.

Hog the bore in litter Grace,
prey on pork a language Quest,
short Tin box crate play day,
in existence snap the Fate.

A nose to smell the Kitchen came,
cooking shore ink Island core,
at home with drawer cupboards Whole,
flour salt the roller shore.

Waves in Tide charting rise at the Sign a seventh sigh,
with the Swell the Ocean bye,
to speak of Kayak sanding Hi.

Canoe of birch Burl of lead,
true do Candidate tusk a sphere,
yards Clue engine parts at near,
pantry Table the dishes steer,
as Setting is the silver tray.

Side cart holds the food for eat,
move the walk strong yell Tell,
grabe yawn given to Stud in seam,
the Muni on a street in View.

Cable nudge to spank the fire,
oh no the Fans have smoked (the) desire,
all in silence of the grief,
disappointment shanks to gore.

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