Sunday, September 14, 2014

Paint Too Fit

The keen Tray of rhythm in the wrist about,
links to an mistle the trump to a torn,
the blister once a written spoke of dismiss,
yes in agreement the challenge in the cut.

Should letters cramp a side-Ache the lash of left in angle frock,
a hemming on the shirt Tale long coats that speech of thrown,
the stick of silencer in Tube a brutal run.

Rails that form Train catch the cable or the string,
ties to the action of scary on the thing,
discount the lip of lasting changes know at told,
faster on the speak read the Cause of triggers ride.

Seat of balance a requiry of life,
the mount of truss descriptors counts the loop while live,
to plank the ship with soak Tea the leaves out-weigh the price,
formal to a Store read the trumpet at a life!!

Lamps in grasp the score feed will action to the bite,
to build a path of sentry to Watch the crumpled fast,
a digest on the path.

These simple options counter the born to leap a see,
protection at the gear box to shift the work to text,
on Oink the noise to pen pal the production of a test,
does than the craft a quest drum to ages of the Ness??,
in touch brought by breast

Nor place Nor tide Nor chart Nor cart,
a carrot on the spring tree is rooted to a Kept,
the learn in tot was being the Beet at turnips test,
ask palm pay.

Rule Ore

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