Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Horse Power

Understanding language is thought and the body is talk,
communication is driven by the spur of detail or 'A Blind' in the lie.

As the consider to voice on an acoustics note,
the sentence deliver enhances a kite,
to string with @ taught to express,
the training on rail or the line of a sprite.

Cork the burble to part the read,
in burt of the lid a crowning is fee!!

Cost central in crest a shoulder with pack shingles the list to a history kiss,
in silent record or advertly in mist,
the dew of the morn in an amplified come!!

Tread on the shower rubber boots cart to bring with a puddle an umbrella will rain,
the spoke-wire in the cambridge on this university in sea.

The worth of  'A' time to wheel a winged,
is on-can in dues to a bough of anew,
practice right in a left turning view,
the tack of the bit is a kind of rein to boo's.

Note Thatch

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