Thursday, September 11, 2014

Moon Date

Ask animal silent in thought of 'Just' tot,
the conversation of Cat with law Clause,
a lion in den at the Zoo of a friend,
the House of a told to the Fish in a bowl,
drop keys attach the Party-time-Line,
snatch to the Pick put Sheet to a Shrine,
four in the Post stirs as Stirrups ion,
sent turn Reef the freckles of Torn.

At fee on the Said a Write ink Can mat,
the banana of Slip too Tops on a deal,
crib the Horse to Wood in the stall,
these are the Tales of Masters at Perch!!

A`net to the Stocking at guarder of Band,
the clip on a rib Cork corset to Clam,
lace in the Buckle the tongue Split to bubble,
trace of or gain the build is a Store!!

Shank on the snap of Chained to the halt,
runaway Ran 'til the Log made a leap,
on Up in the Saddle the Written in feat,
the Stumped on the Thought that nap Eve air Stood.

So-shall It Clue!!

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