Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sain Psaltery

In the ink of Hand the write of ask the trait of kenning,
upon the understanding Pose the example of the deck at hemming,
to pencil blink a speaking beak the nail once was tongue real,
thank instrument of method plate as slate did slip to singing.

A dance to walk the lake of Malt a single on the own,
decor ran to envelope sand & etched-out all the shrinking,
to read of lather of the sweat a brow of swept in splined,
the tap muscle in oats of old lay grit to chisel`d bringing.

Dawn breadth of act to sentence crop ark float the flood of ring,
does fire claim the book of deck aspen arms trunk stinging,
ole low the bellow echo tack a shelf of rather springing,
river flow to human loan the creatures all are clinging,
dew in clause the bank well pause capture on the rising,
know art will paint the brush of lead in point on pen scrolling.

Shell rocks that melt & ices crumble to grade the signal green,
orca say that silent strong communications beeping,
the sonar to the radar blip the Cosmic counts live gone!!

Than in the math of Falcon path does flight grow in the shield,
oh little one whom hold so sent the Scene is speech of Tee'ing,
within the Vocal eyes of sun the chaise is on an Orbit,
due stars Ore grass the mow of shaft a tunnel on the Stinkin',
the why a skunk does flag the path with natural paint stripe back,
the swagger on the pass in laugh allows the Possum stem,
in thrush in frogs the Hoof of Meant that step on Moon to dent the tray gave rise Moore's in Rite,
the Churn of cream to milk and Seam the lathe in bath of corn.

The Road of feet in walk atop this crushes Inn of Keet,
in the bird now in a Term the figure Ean is Cert. ton,
such Cow that grown from bull of chop the China Store a learn,
that mold is green and shave is cold the left of shake Ink 'Jure Stun',
in take of Said the plenty fed have Orchestrated slate,
on Flower chalk the dry in crock a Stick in purse of Lur*Stan,
taught of Stalk the Universe hath stretched in slot Ancon,
be riddle Maut in Aunk shore staff the symbol of Life in It`self,
of these the Words beaching work brine Order in the Fountain!! 

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