Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Stairs Arc

As the Milk in drink of Shakes of love Bill's Place ask the trace,
in the garden of the Pond I saw Koi fish grow the strong,
to the Tea in garden Park for the leaves were just like start,
in the Cookie fortune lark quest began to read the Folk,
the Seltzer dropped and fizzed the pore in the Water there stood Roar,
riding on the bicycle I spoke garage locks the store,
purchase came with three-Wheel part on the Trike of Power Scot,
cheeky flush with Pile would show the timber in the Hood,
from Cadillac to freeway Tap a bank be found for Miles on ground.

To arcade played Centipede spring the Coin it's rollers lead,
for on the ball of spin the key to the extra Men at deed,
now well a Mechanique on the Wharf a portion see,
in the Ancient luck machine as the Puppet teak of Keen,
for the Bus that trucks a Tour are the Farms in Berkeley fluor,
can't say for Fact is often tracked as the Mind inklings shine,
at the bulb of Poppy Row looks like daisy had a Crow,
Lincoln rode the president spoke On that micro Film a coach,
fireplace to straight up Case all in the cause of gift and trace.

Bridge with saddle for the Earth I heard that it is the Ruse,
team with Central by the Way for the logic is the Bait,
hook line Sync Herd lambs away sleeping Wake on Mention fame,
for as the twist in throttle lane journey Show the speedometer chain,
over mountain Higher dale as the Winter sheds the gazer,
for should the Stop involve a ride that has been the Thumb of had.

Total freeze is fog on gree Charter system with am stir Dam,
taught of Measure taught of Score ink the Print with print some more,
free the breeze to speak a Shore it's the sands that Rocks did chore,
on the Ages erosion held to Tell the time by Painting line,
for the Mural was the brine of the Hand in gift sub lime.

Chalk Flours    

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