Thursday, October 9, 2014


If the crotch split at flu would the finger point at jake,
in definition cam is the verse than okay,
for the apple or the orange is that Tree in the corn,
for the corn of Coinage shore does the basket say a door.

Truth of Nature true to score is the handle only store,
did the bank come to grain in the Sand of Hour hand,
asked the Barrel of the Wine is the drink of dubbed line,
for the pickle spoke a yard in the lumber as a dog.

Could the bring in stow & Ink show the Stage in blink,
is the eye of shingle flint sparking Shares on the fink,
can the lid of Cover shrink is the Psyche for a ding,
on the ringing of the Chime do the lips swell whence Vine.

Red in paper 'tween the grind is the voice a burst of sign,
grown by trash of cycle Time in the ages from done kind,
sharper knife for razor Cut double-Edged the clip is chuck,
birth a speak on the bird cue a Wire for the nose.

Growing larger as the Ear in that version do you Tier,
stacking Shelf with loads of Welts are the Scars Minded well,
down the bucket to the Word in the water is a worm,
in that swallow of the turn did you chew or can you burp.


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