Monday, October 13, 2014

Fresh Baked Crisp

I spy with my little eye a blessing in the Tweety line,
a Bird on the Wire from instance of a Lover,
in the brought of on the bought buy a line for truth,
on the Parcel in the rent don't worry you will Flu,
for in the ill of bark a clue to Puzzle on the rube,
a list in park of on the Tarp an Airplane just for Tooth.

Place the stamp of foot rubbed ramp the climber on a Toss,
in that dice be at the dance to Waltz the steeps to trance,
in the maze of gifts and traits don't reply for Sail,
as on the tit of Nurse in kit the singer gots a fail,
in that Safe of box in Cased the brain goes clippty clop,
four Ours are the Minutes notes to speak Too no A Bail.

Prison Talks on riding floss is Stringing Violin,
rosin Bow with only sew the Tempo is of Golden,
for on the Blunt of frank in Name the boss is grass and Chose,
to know that the tendency is to rip a Flame,
so flicker Well my deep kip tell the Lurid Mice will prove,
that even in the Cheese of Bight the tender is the Move,
on boring lives that said it Cry or release to Breathe,
the sacrifice is All but Nice to cool the Heals lead.

Scope the Nope to in the pea of Pods that City Vice,
on a Train in caboose lane the tendency is try,
so go ahead and burrow fed for digs that drain to lye,
in the clothes of beaching Nose the clip is ready Prose,
get back that plate of archetype to follicle of Hare,
in just a Flash of thistle lash the Brier has a Stair,
to paint your Face with brows of Haight & allow the Fillmore,
is To Theater on the pace that everything is Sum Wheres.

Kelp in seaweed is a Treat to add a rice with fish a keep,
in the dish of Spicy reap the green is on Wasabi leap,
dip the Soy of sauce in key what you'll have is soy lent beans,
now on the eats of goods and pete the ample is a berry Feat,
dunk the Tea at Japanese the Garden in the golden please,
for is the Cookie on the peek or broken for the Message seed,
tune yourself to City sell the San Francisco Treasure meet,
walk to Chinatown on true read go to Ross Alley in your deed,
there you'll find the coolest thing, A Wheel made of Iron.


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