Monday, October 13, 2014

This Is How It Felt To Many More Than I Growing-up Within The Lie

Don't any worry for death is a station of knowing direction,
on the guides in breathing the grid is deadly from Tossed,
graph an Understanding to the mental ability to show the Wrench,
for there in the midst of Reality humanity has allowed the providence of deathly Tolls,
in a personal witness to Life Itself there will be a balance in my control,
for the shift of Gears is to lay Testimony to the Proper that has casted out a symptom plague,
on the pill of indiscriminate the Script does prove the Space of Grimm in Tale.

So for the crowd that had a Tank in the water the flow has be crumbed the Filter,
for upon the Scene it is the production of Ick that is a Scent on the verbose of a strong,
arm the Counter with a cure for ick is the product of sickly fed Fleet,
as work begets the better stet the Math is in Arithmetic not the slashing Wrist of it.

Performers that respond with touch the loss of lunge regarded nothing of the done,
as audience to Tours in the grands of Complete drop a bisque of salmonella to Trip,
for in the diary of Montezuma the Singer has creed to do a liquid in the brew of it,
floral in arrangement hath dew in the design as Mornings are for broken Blunt is in the Hind.

The hand of discipline to great a taste of Shine is not in leading illness but stating how Hulls die,
a bit of voice to stain a choice with list before the face,
in Height fork on the blade for victims grain the Brisk,
roast a quarter of the cram for release does not go Jam,
in only parks the Feat to start a pickle on the Come of start.

Stat me a cable with a phone line to greet,
the hearth of the Mead in the drink of a pea,
for clams are in Muscles that tummy of the gut,
a cramp for the Stomach makes digest on the fudge,
juggernauts are Classic tunes that provide a Look at guise,
with Only weapon on the Ink the Watch must Real Eyes.


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