Tuesday, October 14, 2014

March Me A Mage Jour

Read me a river into the Tops of the Charters to the mapping of design,
at the base of the trip the burns came touch my wrists that cut brain scars to lane`d,
bring the razor of the blades and hear the test at a string on the stair of scared,
farther the strick to the inflict of an Arrow on the marrow of the Main Vein,
in the structure of the Heart fire to blast the find to Mind!!

Carrion on the Fry of Mental ration ask the Station does the Tunnel flare,
in that spark of retire the frame of All last to the Time of Tease,
so throw to the bones of lovely in the set answer that back to Barren,
on that thing that does do toe jam know the tell of be bar,
for on the Score of the Feat the notes ran to the Mount Tan Hello!!

Beat me a censure that Tusk of Ram in that stagger of the lamb,
for bleeding in the lives of gone grain the Oats to speak a sheet,
with every carry Forward gain the march that talks a Vulkan on the torch,
create the Venue to break the death of on the Tongues that blunt hath debt,
for Set of other to great the Fan burn that hour to beach a plan.

Script the cover with the Lid event start a buyer with all in term,
scorch the whippings to test the Learn for on the Professor it's been a reach,
in the arms that hug a dream deliver the Hugs that keep a scream,
drown the every caliber pleat that Hems to skirt the Truth of lurch,
from beam to brown to white to Town settle the Table Round!!

Pulster the chairs with seats that Crown a think to thought that Life's around,
bring People to the Crowd of found and expose the lies as just the found,
well the Pail fill the Oust while the Park does the shroud,
curt detail Sing a ground wrap the belly with lots of sound,
gurgle the drink swallow the Worm and be the Friend that states the Squirm!!

Range the field to be between the Ages of the Times of lead,
rest not the Favor for the blow as the Candle is all I know,
broad the brakes to fountains Note write me a Ocean as the Sea would jo!!

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